Rise of the Runelords - Simon

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René W. Nielsen
Indlæg: 389
Tilmeldt: lør 21. maj 2011, 16:43

Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af René W. Nielsen » søn 23. dec 2012, 10:04

Rise of the Runelords er en "premade" kampagne til pathfinder, årsagen til at en "premade" kampagne er blevet er lige så meget for at give Simon noget betænknings tid da det i sidste ende er ham der bestemmer hvor længe han vil følge det forlavet, nedeståden er en guide til spillere omkring hvad de vil blive udsat for under HELE den forlavet kampagne. Man kan dog med relativ sikkerhed regne med hvad der står forneden til "mid levels", high levels er der en større chance for at Simon har lavet nogen modificationer til. Det betyder også at han ikke skal starte fra bunden med at skulle lave en verden, og da meget meget få personer som spiller med os kender tæt til ingenting omkring pathfinder verdenen vil der ikke være "lore" diskutioner, spillernes viden omkring verdenen vil derfor afspejle deres karakterers viden (one exception).

Pathfinder er valgt grundet at classes i sig selv er "bedre balanceret" og "obvious cheese" ikke er muligt.

Ancient Lost Cultures: Since the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path reveals an ancient threat reemerging into the world, characters skilled in Knowledge (history) and Knowledge (arcana) are best suited to putting the pieces together. Access to powerful magic at higher levels could be the key to survival, not just for the PCs, but also the entire world!
Dangerous Denizens: Rise of the Runelords brings player characters face to face with hundreds of monstrous threats. A prepared character should be suited to challenge monstrous humanoids, giants, magical beasts, and undead, and even greater threats at higher levels, such as evil outsiders and dragons.
Explorers: As the campaign moves throughout the frontier of Varisia, the player characters encounter lost ruins. Characters with skill sets appropriate for adventuring in dungeons and crumbling ruins can give the party an edge. Knowledge (dungeoneering) and racial low-light vision or darkvison would be helpful in those dank and dark places. Since many of these locations have been warded and secured by their builders, a character who can bypass some of those protections just might help the party live to fight another day.
Giant Hunters: Rumors of giants mobilizing in the wilds of Varisia are spreading, and the people of this frontier land need saviors. Player characters ready to take on threats like this are well suited to this Adventure Path.
Into the Wilds: While some parts of this Adventure Path delve deep into ruins, much of the action is on the surface. Since Varisia is an untamed frontier, characters who are good at dealing with natural threats and excel at finding their way in forests and mountains would be assets to an adventuring party. Plenty of opportunity for overland travel abounds as well, so mounts could prove useful in getting characters to the doorstep of adventure, but might be difficult to deal with once the adventure moves belowground.

"For five years, the faithful of Sandpoint have attended church in smaller wooden structures rebuilt after fire destroyed the previous temple, and while their new pastor Abstalar was helpful, kind, and wise, church wasn’t the same. Now, the new cathedral is finally done. All that remains is for the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site’s blessings from the gods and it will be as if the Sandpoint Fire had never occurred."
(For whatever reason, the player characters are in town for the festival. They most likely don't know each other, yet...)

Character Creation:
Der er 6 abilities, Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom & Charisma
Ability scores er point buy, ud fra hvordan vi tidligere har spillet er det 30 points.
Ability Score of 8, rewards you with 2 additional points
Ability Score of 9, rewards you with 1 additional point
Ability Score of 10, does not cost any points
Ability Score of 11, costs you 1 point
Ability Score of 12, costs you 2 points
Ability Score of 13, costs you 3 points
Ability Score of 14, costs you 5 points
Ability Score of 15, costs you 7 points
Ability Score of 16, costs you 10 points
Ability Score of 17, costs you 13 points
Ability Score of 18, costs you 17 points

All players start out as 1st level characters, classes from the core book are allowed, and most of the classes in the advanced players guide (Summoner is NOT allowed) - other classes need a read through to see if they fit in.
Most races from the core book are allowed (Gnome is NOT allowed), some races from the advanced race guide's featured race list are allowed, few races from the advanced race guide's uncommon race list are allowed.
HD, Feats, Skills & Special Abilities depend on class & race.
Max Hp on First Level.

2 Traits, som ikke kan være fra samme Trait gruppe.

It is adviced to make characters in coordination with René (myself).

Next post is the current group composition, race & class, along with traits and either the most likely reason as to why the character is present or one of the options i've discussed with the player. It is expected that each player post either to confirm the information ive posted or to correct it. I would also like to advice player to make a small introduction about their character on this forum. It should be noted that what its written on the forum it OUT OF CHARACTER knowledge, as such your character is very likely NOT to know these pieces of information.
Life is a tale of memories...

René W. Nielsen
Indlæg: 389
Tilmeldt: lør 21. maj 2011, 16:43

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af René W. Nielsen » søn 23. dec 2012, 10:37

Players and Characters thus far:

Name: Nathaniel Storm
Age: 19 years old, close to be twenty years old.
Alingment: NG
Race: Human

Description: A man 1.90 cm tall. Nathaniel is always wearing a pair of black gloves, sometimes a long black cloak with its hood turned down and his is also wearing a brown wide-brimmed hat, with his black, spiky hair sticking out under it. Nathaniel is nearly always wearing a clean, white shirt, except then he is on a quest, there he wear a ebony studded leather vest with black sewing patterns and a lot of pockets. Around his neck is hanging a very beautiful, special designed, silver chain, its most likely the only one of its kind and looks very uniq. Its only possible to see the top of the chain the rest of it is hidden and no one knows what the hidden part, looks like. He got a pretty face, with a charming smile and strong, deep, brown eye's. Also his clothing look a little bit too big for him. At his left from his backpack hangs a big crossbow and a speartop is point up, some were from his back.

Bagground: In Sandpoint i am a well know person (but most know for my medical skills). I was born and raised on the streets by the poor Powells, until Valentina Renata, a famous alchemist, came by, offering me to become her new apprentice. It was how i got my education and renewed hope for my future, so of course i gladly accepted the offer. Some years later, one windy day in October, Valentina Renata disappeared suddenly, while i was out gathering materials for the workshop. Then i came back and i noticed that Valentina was gone and no one, had saw her leave. People thought that she might was blown up, but i knew better than those fools. I knew that she was defenatly too skilled for such accidents and my theory was that she was kidnapped. Now i seek to find her if its possible, but i still have a hope for it or atleast i seek to avenge her. For 2 years now ive been planing a trip, descover new scientific breakthroughs, explore the world, become famous and last but not atleast i seek to avenge my master Valentina Renata. The only im are missing, is a company of willing people who would follow me through life and death. My friend, Johan Solloran D'logran have accepted my invite to become famous, now i only need 3 people more...

Religions: Brigh (patron of invetion) and Calistria (goddess of revenge).
Combatstyle: Nathaniel use his skilled talent for alchemy in combat and his quit deadly crossbow skills in combat.

Name : Jonathan Greene – Called Jon by friends
Race : Human
Apparent Age : early 20s
Alignment : NG
Deity: The Green Faith

Description: Has short black hair. Brown colored eyes. Standing about 6ft 4in tall. With a very muscular build. Usually dressed in green and brow cloth, with a cloak to shelter against the weather. A medium sized tiger seems to follow him happily around. He usually wears a gruff attitude and has strapped to his sides a sizable book and a scimitar.

Combat - Style: Scimitar & Heavy wooden shield, with spell support

little bg: Jonathan lived with his mother and father in a small forest, we lived happily together. One day my father took me to the nearest town, too buy supplies, when i heard some stories in a inn, those stories fascinated me. The stories inspired me, and my curiosity got the better of me. I went into some ruins that my parents had told me never to go near, because it was a dangerous place. I went there anyway. While I was there, I became more and more fascinated with the ruins and there I found some carvings. I spend a long time maybe even days trying too translate them and understand. Ever since I have found carvings and runes from ancient ruins fascinating. And when I got of age started to travel the world in order to find more “mysterious” ancient signs.
(several years later)
I Traveled to Sandpoint in search of ruins. According to rumor, Sandpoint was build near some Thassilonian structures, and seeing the amount of hostility from the historians in Magnimar I decided to go to the town in search of a friendlier place to seek understanding.

Navn: Romir Expecta
Race: human
Age: 22
Alignment: CG
Deity: Desna
Deskription: kort sort hår, rimelig bleg, går i sort tøj med husets våbenmærke, buttet, kan ofte blive set på en kro i noble outfit, selvom det ikke passer ind.
Baggrund: Romir er vokset op i en lille adelig familie i Sandpoint, Han har haft magiske talenter i et stykke tid og har brugt lang tid på at sudere med en godt betalt lærermester fra Sandpoint bibliotek. Desværre blev der gjort meget få fremskridt i perioden og det endte med et skænderi hvor Romir flyttede over på en kro i et par måneder, hans historie er lokalt kendt, ligesom han er. Romir har kun få gange været uden for Sandpoint, og ofte kun i familiehenseender, Dog har han en gang under det lange kroophold været ude og hente en artefakt op fra en ruin sammen med en halv-ork, han mødte på kroen. Han blev slået bevidstløs og efterladt i ruinen mens halv-orken tog belønningen. Romir er generelt lidt sløset eller "gavmild", som han selv kalder det, som følge af et liv i luksus. Han står i øjeblikket til ikke at arve familiepalæet eftersom hans arv er gået til hans mere vellidte lillebror, der besluttede at blive wizard istedet for sorcerer. I øjeblikket tager han sig af mange af de skriftlige familieanliggender, og møder urepræsentativt op til begivenheder som den, der er i byen i lige nu.
Fighting style: magix

Navn: Johan Solloran D'logran
skulder langt, blond hår, blå øjne ca. 180 cm høj, robust af kropsbygning, går rundt i en brystplade med våben hængende over det hele stort set.
ung, omkring de 20.
Allignment: CG
ynglings citat "a life for a life, my debt has been payed"
Diety of worship: Calistria...
Da min families by blev angrebet af giants var jeg knap nok gammel nok til at kunne holde et sværd, og kun få af mine brøde var trænet til kamp, vi slap næsten alle væk, og bor nu i Sandpoint, hvor min far har fået arrangeret det sådan at vi får kamp træning... 7 år efter overfaldet fra giantsne føler jeg mig endelig klar til at joine et adventure party og hjælpe med at frelse Varisia. The attack happened 8 years ago, and for that time i've been training hard and vigorously with just one goal in sight.. then one evening 4 months ago father called me and my brothers to his study, giving us each a pouch of coins, saying that, that was our inheritance, to do with as we pleased, due to the unfortunate circumstances that was the best he could offer his sons, he knew in his heart that he didn't have long to go, and thus wanted to settle the matter, i then swore revenge on the giants for taking our land, my brothers just laughed it off, but there where something in my fathers eyes, as if he saw right into my soul and was pleased with what he saw. he died 2 weeks later 3 months later it was only my self and Jonathan who had stayed in the town, Jonathan making Sergeant of the watch, and i still training vigorously...
i had always been the focus of my elder brothers jokes and pranks, and thus i've grown to dislike them, luckily only Jonathan remained... and was far too busy with his guard duties to harass his younger brother... with nothing holding me back i make ready to set out, with or without backup, ill wait till the festival is over before setting out

Name: Aelyn Ielanarathil - However goes by the name of "Lanara"
Race: Aasimar, with elven heritage
Height: 6ft 2in
Apparent Age: Seems to be around 16 to late teens - However of elven heritage, as such hard to discern

Description: (Most of the features below if not all of them, are features from Aasimar ancestry)
There are only a few features that identify Aelyn to have an elven ancestry; her connection to the celestial seems to have taken physical form. She stands around 6 feet tall, with a beautifully proportioned slender build, as if Shelyn had taken part in sculpting her. One of the few things that remain of her elven ancestry is her pointed ears and high cheek bones, which adorn an otherwise perfectly symmetrical face that shines with an unearthly beauty, lips with a light golden sheen and long bright golden hair that seems to move on its own accord in order not to hide the person underneath. Her eyes seem to glow, shining with a mix of golden and white. The skin itself seems to have an unnatural golden glow to it, as a contrast the skin itself is rather pale, to the point of almost being pearly white. When she speaks there’s a musical flair to her voice, which also seems to echo mentally, as such her laugh seem melodic. No matter where there always seem to be a wind blowing around her, even if it can’t be felt her clothing billows around. She always looks clean and she always seems to be in the light. There always seem to be a scent following her, a sweet scent of peace. She tends to wear white clothing with a rim of inlaid gold, the clothing is usually long and loose, she favors to wear a cloak with a hood, usually in order to mask her features for as long as possible as it often gives her too much attention – She is always inclined to help people, especially if they need to find the beauty in themselves.

Religion: Shelyn (Patron of Art & Love)

Fighting Styles: Longsword & Light Steel Shield - Longbow
Armor: Scale Mail

Name: Amrod Surion
Age: 130 years old.
Alignment: True Neutral
Race: Elf
Height: 5,8 feet

With his slender figure and height of 5,8 feet Amrod doesn’t stand out in the crowd. He is dressed in a long plain grey robe that goes to his feet. His face is normally concealed by a hood due to his disfigured face and while he is nimble as most elf he has not kept his body in shape and lacks the muscles you would find on most of his kin. If one were to look through to shadows of his hood they would see a large blister on his left cheek. A heavy spell pouch hangs on his belt; it is strained due to the amount of components he is carrying. The only jewelry he wears is a simple bronze amulet around his neck.

Amrod was born and raised in the ancient forest of Notdewood, where he as his brothers and sisters learned to survive and prosper in the wild. He used most of his life with the elders of his small elven village where he was taught about using arcane energy and bend magic to his will. He developed a strange fascination with creating life with his newfound powers and concentrated most of his effort into mastering this aspect of his abilities. One day as he was wandering his beloved woods he came upon a wounded raven in the undergrowth. One of its wings had been broken, Amrod rushed home with it and caressed it for several years.

The broken wing was healed by one of the local druids but the raven didn’t leave, it stayed with him and he gave it a name. Kazak. They bonded and it became his familiar. Kazak told Amrod about the world outside his forest. He told him about the proud human settlements standing as bastions of light, about the deep mines of the dwarves and their love of gold and finally about the gigantic mountain pass of Devil’s Platter. As the years passed and Amrod grew more and more restless, an idea began to grow within him. He wanted to see the world and communicate with strange and foreign races and religions. After being permitted to leave by his elders and his closest family he began packing his few personal belongings and gathering some rations for the travel.

His limited resources only took him to the local settlement of Sandpoint where the social hierarchy of the humans enthralled him. He decided to stay in the city and quickly bonded with a local nobleman with the name of Titus Scarnetti. With the upcoming Swallowtail Festival Amrod has been preparing a few tricks of his own.

Description: CG Human (Ulffen) Male, 16 years old. Blond hair tied in a ponytail and goatee, weathered sunburned skin, Right handed, clad in brown and greens, wool and leather garb. Axes at his side, bow in hand, very full backpack with loads of things attached. 5' 4'' and 150 lbs. 162,5 cm and 68 kg.

Recently arrived in sandpoint, Halfdan Thorsteinson is clearly ill at ease in the city, and wary at people asking him too many questions of his past, but seeming unwilling to leave Sandpoint for some reason.

Side note: Vi spiller i året 4707, som er 101 år efter den "største" menneske guds død, inden da var han "væk" og profetier har haft talt om at han skulle vende tilbage, det gjorde han ikke og døde i 4606, som har startet "Age of Lost Omens"

*Opdateret 4/1 2013 med nye character-beskrivelser* Morten
*Opdateret 1/2 2013 med nye character-beskrivelser* Morten
Life is a tale of memories...

Indlæg: 103
Tilmeldt: tirs 17. maj 2011, 07:07
Geografisk sted: Sorø 4180

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af RasmusJ » søn 23. dec 2012, 13:35

mine stats er korrekt men jeg ved ikke helt med "Reason for being at the festival". men det er den bedste der er lige nu

Knud Erik Jensen
Indlæg: 103
Tilmeldt: søn 5. jun 2011, 17:03

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af Knud Erik Jensen » søn 23. dec 2012, 14:31

Da min families by blev angrebet af giants var jeg knap nok gammel nok til at kunne holde et sværd, og kun få af mine brøde var trænet til kamp, vi slap næsten alle væk, og bor nu i Sandpoint, hvor min far har fået arrangeret det sådan at vi får kamp træning... 7 år efter overfaldet fra giantsne føler jeg mig endelig klar til at joine et adventure party og hjælpe med at frelse Varisia
Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil.

Knud Erik Jensen
Indlæg: 103
Tilmeldt: søn 5. jun 2011, 17:03

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af Knud Erik Jensen » søn 23. dec 2012, 15:19

the attack happened 8 years ago, and for that time i've been training hard and vigorously with just one goal in sight.. then one evening 4 months ago father called me and my brothers to his study, giving us each a pouch of coins, saying that, that was our inheritance, to do with as we pleased, due to the unfortunate circumstances that was the best he could offer his sons, he knew in his heart that he didn't have long to go, and thus wanted to settle the matter, i then swore revenge on the giants for taking our land, my brothers just laughed it off, but there where something in my fathers eyes, as if he saw right into my soul and was pleased with what he saw. he died 2 weeks later 3 months later it was only my self and Jonathan who had stayed in the town, Jonathan making Sergeant of the watch, and i still training vigorously...
i had always been the focus of my elder brothers jokes and pranks, and thus i've grown to dislike them, luckily only Jonathan remained... and was far too busy with his guard duties to harass his younger brother... with nothing holding me back i make ready to set out, with or without backup, ill wait till the festival is over before setting out
Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil.

René W. Nielsen
Indlæg: 389
Tilmeldt: lør 21. maj 2011, 16:43

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af René W. Nielsen » søn 23. dec 2012, 20:14

Folk som gerne vil have en religion aka tro, bør lige sige til og hvad religionen skal gå ud på
Life is a tale of memories...

Knud Erik Jensen
Indlæg: 103
Tilmeldt: søn 5. jun 2011, 17:03

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af Knud Erik Jensen » søn 23. dec 2012, 23:58

Navn: Johan Solloran D'logran
skulder langt, blond hår, blå øjne ca. 180 cm høj, robust af kropsbygning, går rundt i en brystplade med våben hængende over det hele stort set.
ung, omkring de 20.
Allignment: CG
ynglings citat "a life for a life, my debt has been payed"
Diety of worship: Calistria...
Though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i shall fear no evil.

René W. Nielsen
Indlæg: 389
Tilmeldt: lør 21. maj 2011, 16:43

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af René W. Nielsen » man 24. dec 2012, 10:09

Name: Aelyn Ielanarathil - However goes by the name of "Lanara"
Race: Aasimar, with elven heritage
Height: 6ft 2in
Apparent Age: Seems to be around 16 to late teens - However of elven heritage, as such hard to discern

Description: (Most of the features below if not all of them, are features from Aasimar ancestry)
There are only a few features that identify Aelyn to have an elven ancestry; her connection to the celestial seems to have taken physical form. She stands around 6 feet tall, with a beautifully proportioned slender build, as if Shelyn had taken part in sculpting her. One of the few things that remain of her elven ancestry is her pointed ears and high cheek bones, which adorn an otherwise perfectly symmetrical face that shines with an unearthly beauty, lips with a light golden sheen and long bright golden hair that seems to move on its own accord in order not to hide the person underneath. Her eyes seem to glow, shining with a mix of golden and white. The skin itself seems to have an unnatural golden glow to it, as a contrast the skin itself is rather pale, to the point of almost being pearly white. When she speaks there’s a musical flair to her voice, which also seems to echo mentally, as such her laugh seem melodic. No matter where there always seem to be a wind blowing around her, even if it can’t be felt her clothing billows around. She always looks clean and she always seems to be in the light. There always seem to be a scent following her, a sweet scent of peace. She tends to wear white clothing with a rim of inlaid gold, the clothing is usually long and loose, she favors to wear a cloak with a hood, usually in order to mask her features for as long as possible as it often gives her too much attention – She is always inclined to help people, especially if they need to find the beauty in themselves.

Religion: Shelyn (Patron of Art & Love)

Fighting Styles: Longsword & Heavy Steel Shield - Longbow
Armor: Scale Mail
Life is a tale of memories...

Julius Henningsen
Indlæg: 143
Tilmeldt: lør 28. apr 2012, 22:20

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af Julius Henningsen » tirs 25. dec 2012, 00:43

Name: Nathaniel Storm
Age: 19 years old, close to be twenty years old.
Alingment: NG
Race: Human

Description: A man 1.90 cm tall. Nathaniel is always wearing a pair of black gloves, sometimes a long black cloak with its hood turned down and his is also wearing a brown wide-brimmed hat, with his black, spiky hair sticking out under it. Nathaniel is nearly always wearing a clean, white shirt, except then he is on a quest, there he wear a ebony studded leather vest with black sewing patterns and a lot of pockets. Around his neck is hanging a very beautiful, special designed, silver chain, its most likely the only one of its kind and looks very uniq. Its only possible to see the top of the chain the rest of it is hidden and no one knows what the hidden part, looks like. He got a pretty face, with a charming smile and strong, deep, brown eye's. Also his clothing look a little bit too big for him. At his left from his backpack hangs a big crossbow and a speartop is point up, some were from his back.

Bagground: In Sandpoint i am a well know person (but most know for my medical skills). I was born and raised on the streets by the poor Powells, until Valentina Renata, a famous alchemist, came by, offering me to become her new apprentice. It was how i got my education and renewed hope for my future, so of course i gladly accepted the offer. Some years later, one windy day in October, Valentina Renata disappeared suddenly, while i was out gathering materials for the workshop. Then i came back and i noticed that Valentina was gone and no one, had saw her leave. People thought that she might was blown up, but i knew better than those fools. I knew that she was defenatly too skilled for such accidents and my theory was that she was kidnapped. Now i seek to find her if its possible, but i still have a hope for it or atleast i seek to avenge her. For 2 years now ive been planing a trip, descover new scientific breakthroughs, explore the world, become famous and last but not atleast i seek to avenge my master Valentina Renata. The only im are missing, is a company of willing people who would follow me through life and death. My friend, Johan Solloran D'logran have accepted my invite to become famous, now i only need 3 people more...

Religions: Brigh (patron of invetion) and Calistria (goddess of revenge).
Combatstyle: Nathaniel use his skilled talent for alchemy in combat and his quit deadly crossbow skills in combat.
"Fuck, Don't Worry Too Much" - ACC

Simon Splittorff
Indlæg: 28
Tilmeldt: man 11. jul 2011, 10:55
Geografisk sted: Sorø

Re: Rise of the Runelords - Simon

Indlæg af Simon Splittorff » tirs 25. dec 2012, 13:58

mega godt arbejde drenge keep up the good work , and i will do my part ;)


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